Foto(s) del Dìa
{Picture(s) of the Day}
This web page is not necessarily updated ***DAILY***, but frequently.
Images shown here will almost always
have a horizontal width of 800 pixels. They will not necessarily be of plants, Star Trek, Garbage Pale Kids & Bathroom Buddies cards or kitty cats; though
they will be a repeating central theme (O NOOO! There I go thinking about the metal band "Anthrax" again!!! )
You may also see screen dumps (yes, that's what they're really called!) from demo programs ("demos") that I wrote on/for the Commodore 64 computer in the early- and mid-1990s.
Last updated: 01-18-25
Who in the name of Davy Jones' locker pissed in the dustbin and made this sign necessary?
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