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Site last updated


Happy 25th Birthday The LED (and Laser) Museum! (Yes, this website has been online continuously for more than 25 years; its 25th anniversary occured on 10-18-24!!! )



Moving News (5)

The LED Museum's Exhibits

Bare LEDs

Ultraviolet & & High-Power LED Flashlights

Discrete LEDs

D Cell LED Flashlights

C Cell LED Flashlights

AA Cell LED Flashlights

AAA Cell LED Flashlights

AAAA Cell, N Cell, 9v, Coin & Button Cell, Rechargeable, Dynamo, and Solar-Rechargeable LED Flashlights

CR123A Cell LED Flashlights New

LED & Hybrid Headlamps

Incandescent, Fluorescent, & HID Flashlights

User-modified & Homemade Lights

-- Products sorted by manufacturer

LED Light Bulbs

LED Flares & Flashers

LED Lanterns

LED Reading Lights

LED Toliet Nightlights

LED Products Designed to Raise a Stink (make noise) and Other Audio Products

Misc. LED & Non-LED Products (1)

Misc. LED & Non-LED Products (2)

LED "Siggeret" Lighters

Glow-Coil "Siggeret" Lighters

Plasma Arc "Siggeret" Lighters

Illuminated (Lighted) Safety Vests

LED Bicycle Lights

LED Clocks & Wristwatches

Seasonal LED and non-LED lighting products

Misc. Electronic Equipment

Spectrometers & Other Test Equipment Used on this Website

Lasers & Laser Accessories

R/C Cars

R/C Airplanes

R/C Helicopters

R/C Tricopters / Quadcopters / Hexcopters / Octocopters / UAVs / Drones (Opens in new tab)

Spectrographic analyses

Digital Still & Video Cameras

Da Fuzzbombs (Kitty cats & other critters)C (Opens in new tab)

The Trophy Case & The Toylet Bowl

The Ãœber Trophy Case (the Best of the Best; the Crème de la Crème)

Misc. Links, LED Museum, Batting Cleanup

Personal & Memorial Web Pages, Viva Piñata, SpongeBob SquarePants, Digimon, Star Trek, Beavis & Butt-Head, and Sesame Street Products plus Gay Pride Products and Video Game Consoles

Non-LED Misc. Web Pages & Websites that I've Created since 1999

Contact and Donations Page

Privacy Policy

= New addition to website.

Updated = Updated product or web page.

Informational web page only = Informational (non-rated) web page.

= Spectrometer has been used.

= Spectral line halfwidth; analysis (for lasers)

= ProMetric has been used.

= Battery runtime graph posted.

= Laser power stability analysis performed.

= Laser power output analysis has been performed.

  = Updated photograph(s).

= Movie of product available.

   = Movie of product available; but hosted on YourTube.

Ten videos on YouTube   = 10 movies of product available; but hosted on YourTube.

= Sound of product available.

Foul & discordant sounds!!!   = Foul discordant sound that you DON'T want to hear!!!

= Rated PG because of a bit of toilet tongue is audible in one or more of the videos.

    = No longer have sample.

*   = As above, but conditional: please see the evaluation the link points to.

    = Lost/left behind in a move I made on 10-11-04.

*   = As above, but conditional: please see the evaluation the link points to.

    = Lost/left behind in a move I made on 05-26-06.

*   = As above, but conditional: please see the evaluation
          the link points to.

    = Lost/disposed of/left behind in a move I made on 07-26-08.

*   = As above, but conditional: please see the evaluation the link points to.

    = Out for loan.

    = Manufacturer no longer makes product.

Product not broken but could not be tested    = Product not broken but unable to test.

    = Failed or was destroyed during or
           after testing. Just call me "The Flashlight Destructor".

   = Product has *PARTIALLY* failed.

  = Destroyed during or after testing, but I have another.

    = Lost (flying machines only) during or after testing.

    = Forced disposal 10-18-08.

*   = As above; please see evaluation.

    = Forced disposal 10-18-08, but staying in family.

    = Forced disposal >01-01-10

    = Lost due to storage unit auction on 01-10-17.

Contains photos that some people might find distasteful  = Get the eye bleach! Contains photos that some people might find distasteful.
    = Product was DOA (dead on arrival) and could not be tested.

    = One or more components broken or lost, but product still has full functionality.

    = One or more components broken or lost; product lost some functionality.

(PA) = Passaround (that I still have).

(PA*)= Passaround (that I still have),
but with stipulations.

= Gift - no abusive testing.

Requires spectrographic analysis = Requires spectrographic analysis.

  = Packed for a move I made on 07-28-08.

  = Requires beam cross-sectional analysis.

Spectrometer data file  = Raw data from my spectrometer.

  = Destructive testing has been done.

  = Disposable product

  = Stolen from me.

  = Product has become lost.

  = Product may damage or destroy your computer.

Lost/left behind in a move that I made on 01-15-19 = Lost/left behind in a move that I made on 01-15-19

*  NOT an ElektroLumens product.

**      Actually a "spectroscope", NOT a "spectrometer".

° = "Uranated" - infused with an anion oxide of uranium, *NOT* piddled on.
Commonly referred to as "Vaseline glass" because it has a distinct pale yellow-green color when not being irradiated.

Note spelling: "urAnated", not "urEnated","urInated", "urOnated", "urUnated", or sometimes "urYnated".


Copywrong 1989-2023
Craig S. Johnson

Contents may be used for educational purposes only without permission; all others please have the courtesy to ask.

I have invested over
49,152 hours of my own time into developing & maintaining this website, so please don't plagiarize it.

User-accessible content

as of 01-21-19

0.034736974512088352094 petabytes,

34.736974512088352094 terabytes,

34,736.974512088352094 gigabytes,

4.34212181401104401175 teraquads,

2071.583184386827267008 terabits. 

It will take over 95,169 days

(more than 260 years!!!) to

download every single byte

at a typical maximum dial-up

speed of 48Kbps!!!

Yes, there's a real datastorm
going on here!!!